
The artists of 428collective: Cristina Hobbs, Maura Harrington, Pat Lenz, Jessica Martin, Caitlin McCaffrey, Susan Preston, Flora Skivington, Carol Vena-Mondt, Victoria Wagner, and Alice Warnecke.
On June 1, 2013, the Sonoma County-based 428collective will open their first collaborative show, “Falling Dark,” at Perdita Productions in Geyserville, CA. In keeping with the boundary-pushing nature of past shows at Perdita Productions, the works in “Falling Dark” range from site-specific installations to innovative interpretations of film, painting, and photography. Each artist in the show has created new work inspired by the time when day turns to night, or “the hour between dog and wolf.” The works in the show consider this liminal state through a wide lens, depicting ideas and experiences such as the space between public and private, moments of opportunity and risk, childhood perspectives of time, and the creative process.

ALONE, 2013
Single-channel video
Length: 3:58,27 minutes